
Right after my graduation, I have started my career at HCL as software engineer(2014) with .Net, C# as my primary skills. Ever since then I have worked on versions of .Net ranging from .Net framework 2 to .Net core, .Net 7. I have worked on designing the low level architecture of an application using Microservices in Azure environment, developed and deployed them. I had a chance to work on SQL and SAP HANA simultaneously as well. I would never shy away from doing things in a new way. I have minor experiences on ReactJs and Angular.

I am worked on designing designing, developing microservices from the scratch and deploying them. This involved delivering complex architectures patterns like event outboxing, choreographer microservices, SEDA architectures.

I would say my core competencies are Microservices with .Net 7, Azure, Devops, Docker. I have recently started working on Kubernetes as well.

I practice coding on various online online platforms whenever i get some time. I have achieved a 5 star gold badge on Hackerrank problem solving segement. Here is the link to it.

For detailed experiences, check projects

In the future i am looking forward for the roles where i can contribute more on implementing devops procedures and deployements, making technical designs and leading a team.

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